Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hutterite Education (& french immersion)

In looking at another classmates blog I remembered the conversation we had about this topic. Should hutterites have their own school systems and be able to just leave school after grade eight? I believe everyone is entitled to their own culture and set of beliefs. I don't believe we should take these schools away from these people. However I also don't believe the parents of these students should be allowed to take away the right of their children going to a 'regular' school or continuing onto grade 9 in a regular school system. As was mentionned these kids have a lot of potential and are just as bright as the next kid. Therefore I find it very unfortunate that most of them don't go past grade 8. I don't believe it is our decision whether or not they continue on in their schooling. However we should use our voice as much as we can. As we know one teacher can make a huge difference in someones life. We should believe in everyone and encourage them to continue on in their studies.

Just a side comment. We talked about how there is so much money in french immersion because it is government funded. Then why do we not have more french immersion schools? This is a reoccuring topic in my blogs because I am all for french immersion school. I never had the opportunity myself and I wish I had. Children learn best when they are younger therefore if there is all this money for it why not make it more available. In some areas or as the case usually is, french immersion is for 'smart' kids, and 'regular' kids aren't allowed to take it. I think everyone should have an equal opportunity. I understand that it would be very hard to teacher kids in a second language when they aren't motivated and don't care to be there and their parents just want them there. But it is our job to get them motivated and have them enjoy learning the language!!


  1. Don't start an arguement I'm a hutterite and our education was filed to be this way with the Goverment of Canada with our elders many years ago to some reason and it's listed in our Hutterian constitution. Please don't try to make an issue of it because it has never cost anyone any grieve. So Long Martin Hofer

  2. Me again most children in our school finish in grade nine and some even finish grade ten, it all depends on the students capability and the teachers effort into each child. And right after school each student gets to pick a choice of a trade with he or she learns by experience on the job site. We have pretty good educational students, and we are proud of them. So Long Martin Hofer

  3. I do not disagree with you one bit. This blog is simply for an education class and I can't say I personally know much about hutterite education. I was just going off of based on what I was told so sorry if what I said was offensive to you in any way. I am sure many students in hutterite colonies go on to have great futures.

  4. Kristie, how can you say on one hand that you support their right to their own schools, and in the next breath say that you think teachers should use their influence to undermine their values by trying to talk their students to stay on in the formal school system -- where the hidden curriculum pushes mainstream values which may be at odds with theirs. You really can't have it both ways!
