Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A few different topics

Something I wanted to say a few days ago was about our norms which we talked about in class today. I was watching some home videos with my family, and at what I think was my eighth birthday I saw something I thought to be interesting. We were eating and I had a bowl of ketchup chips and I asked my friends who wanted some. Instead of saying me or I do or coming and getting some, a couple people put up their hands. I thought this was so funny. This is also something we are taught in school that if you want to ask or answer a question or you want to say something or whatnot, you raise your hand. When talking about norms today and how we line up and we know to line up we don't just swarm, it again reminding me of the whole raising your hand thing.

I think contest mobility is much better than what England has going on (sponsored mobility). I think it's a great thing that we can move up at any moment in time. Our fate isn't decided for us at birth or by taking a test when you are eleven. And speaking of that I think it's absolutely ridiculous. For one how much do you really know when your eleven and how focused are you on school and your future? And what if you're having a bad day or a really good day and your future is decided for you based on that one test? I don't agree with that at all. But as I mentioned, it's great we can move up. We can also move down which isn't so great but atleast our society is quite a bit more fair in my opinion. I also thought the whole elite business is stupid. Like the example of Paris Hilton or the guy going to Oxford and automatically being able to teach... neither of those examples deserved the elite title they held. Perhaps on his own the Oxford guy did for his chemistry but not as a teacher.

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