Sunday, November 22, 2009

Anti-racist pedagogies - text pg 102-107

Critical multicultural pedagogists believe that the sources of social injustices of racism and economic inequity should be discussed in the classroom. They look at how racial privilege is embedded in the curriculum and how their should be programs in schools which address different ethnic, cultural, and immigrant groups, and aboriginal people and their human rights.

The pedagogy of whiteness looks at the unquestioned acceptance of whiteness and how white people dominate. This assumption needs to be denormalized. They look at how identities are socially constructed in a historical context and how we need to start rethinking of whiteness.

Anti-racist black feminist pedagogists have autobiographical writings which enable students to examine their own internalized racism. Any women of colour should be able to express themselves. By teaching students about black feminism, white students can recognize what it means to be white in a culture of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

I have already discussed this topic as some people did a presentation about anti-racist education. It is definitely something our students need to be aware of and should be taught about other ethnicities and cultures whenever possible. We don’t want our students to lead sheltered lives nor do we want them to be racist. The acceptance of whiteness is definitely an interesting question. Most people really do just accept the fact that white people dominate. Growing up in a town with the vast majority of people being white I wasn’t really exposed to people of different race or culture, nor do I remember being taught much about it in school except perhaps a little bit in social studies. I think despite the fact that all my classmates were white growing up we still should have discussed different cultures and the issue of racism.

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